Thursday, February 11, 2021


 On Location filming Apache Girl Chiricahua Mountains #shortfilms #ApacheStronghold 32   Degrees!!!! Check it out on IMDB will be continually updating. Short Film depicting two true life   Female Apache Warriors!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

                             RicMel Productions is in Principal Photography with Imelda Paclibar
                                               Award Winning "Bequest" Best Actress!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Bequest 18 Wins 10 Nominations on a fantastic 18 Month Film Festival Circuit run through 3 States. 

1865 Civil War veteran dying from Parkinson's-Shaky Palsy clutches his prized possession--a .50 caliber Carbine and sends a message. 150 years later, his great, great grandson discovers this relic weapon. A Filipino woman in a disgruntled marriage gets caught up in a web of betrayal instigated by her best friend leading to an introduction to a loose stranger ending in a triad of tragedy. Please click below to review trailer and other info on Amazon!! Thank you and please be safe!!


                                Thank you Golden State Film Festival                              for bringing Anna May Wong Home!!!        ...